Monday, April 12, 2010

Jogging is Death

It will be fun! (They said)
It's for a good cause! (They said)
What is it? (I asked tentatively)

A run. It's called The Brew to Brew run.
It's to promote Cystic Fibrosis research.
The race is from the Brewery in the city to a bar in another city.

How far? (worried)

43 miles! It's split into ten parts.
You only have to run one.

Whew! that sounds good. I'm in for a good cause.
Hossman is in! (He'll be the driver.)
It's The Teacher's idea, and he is pushing for more to join.
The Realtor and wife are in. Always up for a good cause.
Others join. It should be a fun time.

I need to start getting in shape. This should be easy.
I will start tomorrow.
It's raining.
I will start tomorrow.
I'm tired.
I will start tomorrow.
Hossman came over for games.
I will start tomorrow.
I don't want to.
I will start tomorrow.
Who am I kidding?
I will start tomorrow.
I will start tomorrow.

What do you mean the race is next Sunday?
We have to start at what time? 6am?!?!?!?!?!

Here we go. Up at 4:30. Meet at the brewery at 5:30.
Race seen off at 6am sharp.

Drive to the first pit stop while cheering on the runners.

Switch the runners.

Drive to the next pit stop.

So it goes.

Wait..... I'm next? Ok. How long is my leg? 2.3 miles. The shortest.
Ok. I can do this. Got my music on. A snack in my belly. I'm good.

Baton is handed off.
Off I go. First 100 yards. No problem.
Second 100 yards. Not too bad.
Almost to a quarter mile!


What is this pain??????? People do this for FUN????
Ok. Walk a little. Legs are better. Start to jog again.

OW. OW. OW. OW. OW! OW! OW! OW! OW!!!!!!!

Walk again.
Oooh! Nice looking women going by. Think I'll jog some more.
Good comment on shirt.

Ok. Ok. OK. OW! OW! OW! OW!
Walk some more.


Why couldn't I have just ridden with Hossman?????

Almost to the end.

I can see the next stop!

Pass the baton. Grab some water!

Ride the rest of the day.

Our group finished with a time of 8:14:31.
Not bad for a new group.

Make empty promise to do this again next year.

Go home to die.
Hope I can move tomorrow.

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